Nomad Nattie

Why Traveling to Jordan During Ramadan Might be the Best Decision You Ever Make

When it comes to traveling to the Middle East during Ramadan, most people opt to avoid it altogether. There is a fear of a lack of facilities and entertainment. However, I have always found that doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing can lead to incredible experiences. That’s why I’m here to tell you that traveling to Jordan during Ramadan might just be the best decision you ever make.

Embrace the Unique Atmosphere

A Month of Devotion and Community

Many travelers fear that the religious observances of Ramadan might interfere with their enjoyment of the country’s attractions. However, the opposite is true. During Ramadan, the atmosphere in Jordan becomes vibrant and unique. Streets are decorated, and locals gather for community meals and prayer. By immersing yourself in this celebration, you will get to experience the country’s rich culture and connect with locals on a deeper level. The night life is much more amazing during Ramadan as people are out celebrating and having late dinner’s and socialising in the evenings. 

Avoid the Crowds

Less Tourists, More Fun

One of the biggest advantages of traveling during Ramadan is the lack of tourists. With fewer tourists, you’ll have more space to explore and experience the country’s beautiful landscapes, ancient ruins, and bustling cities. Even get better photo’s with less people around. 

Enjoy the Discounts

Great Deals on Accommodation and Activities

Some people assume Ramadan will be more expensive due to a lack of competition. During Ramadan, many hotels and tour operators offer discounts and special deals to attract customers. By taking advantage of these deals, you can save money while enjoying everything Jordan has to offer.

Savor the Delicious Food

Breaking the Fast with a Feast

One of the most significant aspects of Ramadan is the communal breaking of the fast at sunset. This is a time when locals gather to share delicious food and connect with one another. By traveling during Ramadan, you can participate in these feasts and taste traditional Jordanian cuisine. From rich stews to sweet pastries, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to indulge in these flavorful dishes.

Appreciate the Spiritual Experience

A Month of Reflection and Renewal

Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection and renewal. By traveling to Jordan during this month, you can connect with the country’s rich religious history and experience the beauty of Islamic traditions. From visiting mosques to listening to the call to prayer, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the spiritual significance of this holiday.

Witness the Hospitality of Jordanians

A Warm Welcome Awaits

Jordanians are known for their hospitality and generosity, and this is especially true during Ramadan. By traveling during this month, you’ll have the opportunity to witness the kindness and warmth of the locals. From invitations to join community meals to impromptu conversations on the street, you’ll feel welcomed and appreciated throughout your journey.

Traveling to Jordan during Ramadan might not be the most popular choice, but it is certainly one of the most rewarding. By embracing all of these positive benefits, you’ll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this incredible country. So, pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!


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